The quotes revolution is changing our lives

Have you noticed that whenever you say something somewhat reflective you start sounding like a quote? Has that thought just come to you, or you’ve heard it somewhere before?
It’s a revolution baby!
The quotes revolution seems to be reframing the way we construct thoughts. We no longer ponder in our heads, but we give our thoughts the shape of something that we can express outwards in a short and digestible way.
We are increasingly more exposed to quotes each day. On our feeds, in the streets, and marketing campaigns. We are now familiar with what Albert Einstein said and what Steve Jobs believed.
We see more and more people making fast changes in their lives because of something they read, or a quote that someone said. Are we being more empowered because of them?
Positive impact
Some people say quotes have saved them in tough times. And I have found myself browsing through inspirational quotes in moments of dispair. In my experience quotes have been uplifting and mood shifting, they can move you from negative feeling to becoming empowered. And because quotes can help us, enlighten us and even spark our curiosity, it is that they have a positive impact in shifting our mood and motivation.
Reframing the way we think
Because quotes are positive and easily digestible, they are very good for our minds. And if they have a positive impact in our day, we are more likely to remember them, and repeat them. These are usually simple truths that we deep down knew, but couldn’t express into words, they become a vehicle to our expression. It’s like an AHA! moment that found it’s perfect form to exist.
Is the exposure to quotes making us frame our thoughts in a different way?
And are they even having an impact on our lives at all?