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who are you

Who are you when no-one’s watching?

Who are you? Each morning we get dressed, we put on clothes, some of us makeup and a brave face before we walk out the door. We have the roles we play whether it be at work, with family or friends.

Each morning we get dressed, we put on clothes, some of us makeup and a brave face before we walk out the door. We have the roles we play whether it be at work, with family or friends.

So I ask, who are you?

Without the clothes, without the careers, family, and friends if you stripped it all away, who are you? What do you stand for? What excites you? What and whom do you love? Are you comfortable in silence? How do you feel when you are alone?

As we near the full moon, it’s a time to really take a look in the mirror, to really be honest and truthful with yourself. This moon is all about the hunt after the harvest, it’s a moon of wish fulfillment, so I ask you what is it you are wishing for? Will those wishes bring you fulfillment or will they bring more masks? Are you being honest with yourself?

I have learned, that happiness, love, and light are found within.

Remember, you are more than the number in your bank account, you are more than the title on your business card, you are more than a partner, sibling, child, parent, spouse, etc. you are your own unique soul. Take the time to get to know your soul, it truly has so much to offer you. Listen to its whispers and words at night and throughout the day, don’t ignore your most divine self, because you are worthy of living your destiny.

So I ask you, who are you?

Find Lauren on Instagram @laurencourtneyheals

you don't exist
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You don’t fully exist and this is why
Social media is not bad, you are
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Social media is not bad, you are


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